“There shall be a Committee on Intersectional Equity for Race, Ethnicity, Sexuality, Gender, and Disability. This Committee shall concern itself with the University’s culture and initiatives that promote excellence in an environment welcoming to all. It will work toward improving the campus climate and equity for students, staff, and faculty who hold historically marginalized and underserved identities. It will address accessibility issues (both physical and digital). It will concern itself with pay equity issues across gender, race, ethnicity, and other intersecting identities. It will develop recommendations to the Senate on these issues. The Committee will collaborate closely with relevant administrators and staff, inviting them (in coordination with Agenda Committee) to participate ex officio.”
(From the BYLAWS OF THE SENATE OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, As amended during the 2023-24 session of the University Senate, revising Article IV, Section 1 and Section 9, and Article V, Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13.)
Chancellor Kent Syverud
Ex Officio
Mary Grace Almandrez
Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion
Adam Baltaxe
Student Association
Harriet Brown
The S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
PJ DiPietro (Co-Chair)
The College of Arts and Sciences
James Duah-Agyeman
Multicultural Affairs
Margarita Estevez-Abe
The College of Arts and Sciences
Jan Fleckenstein
The College of Law
Nicole Fonger
The College of Arts and Sciences
Biko Gray
The College of Arts and Sciences
Diane Grimes
The College of Visual and Performing Arts
George Kallander
The College of Arts and Sciences
Rebecca Kantrowitz
Hendrick’s Chapel
Suzette Melendez (Co-Chair)
The College of Law
Laurel Morton
Adjuncts United
Mario Perez
The School of Education
Paula Possenti-Perez
The Office of Disability Resources
Gretchen Purser
The College of Arts and Sciences
Kira Reed
The Martin J Whitman School of Management
Tracey Reichert Schimpff
The David B Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics
Sandy Siquier
The College of Visual and Performing Arts
Andrea Sprague-Getsy
Graduate Student Organization
Bijan Starr
Student Association