“There shall be a Committee on Athletic Policy. The committee shall be concerned with the impact of University as well as Athletic Department policies and practices on the well-being and progress of students who are athletes. Consideration shall be given to admissions, advising, comparisons of graduation rates with other institutions, placement after graduation, and other topics that the committee deems important. The committee shall recommend changes in policy where appropriate.”
(From the BYLAWS OF THE SENATE OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, ARTICLE V. STANDING COMMITTEES, Section 19, as amended during the 2011-12 session of the University Senate.)
Chancellor Kent Syverud
Ex Officio
Peter Cass
Goldstein Student Center
Mary Graham
The David B Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics
Paul Hagenloh
The College of Arts and Sciences
Dennis Kinsey
The S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
Devashish Mitra
The College of Arts and Sciences
Jamie Mullin
Guido Pezzarossi
The College of Arts and Sciences
Tommy Powell
Craig Tucker (Co-Chair)
Jodi Upton (Co-Chair)
The S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
David Van Slyke
Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs