Ad Hoc Committees

When the Senate Agenda Committee determines that a matter warrants dedicated attention to investigate an issue, the Agenda Committee has the responsibility of creating an ad hoc committee to complete the work on behalf of the Senate. The charge and membership of the ad hoc committee is determined by the Agenda Committee.  Changes to either the charge or membership are the responsibility of the Senate Agenda Committee.

An ad hoc committee should work until the committee’s charge has been met. The ad hoc committee should provide ongoing reports to the Agenda Committee, as well as the full Senate body. The conclusions and recommendations of the ad hoc committee should be presented to the Agenda Committee and full Senate body in a final report. Once the ad hoc committee’s final report has been presented, the ad hoc committee is disbanded.

The following Senate ad hoc committees are conducting work during the 2022-23 University Senate term:

Bylaws Ad Hoc Committee

Charge: November 30, 2021

Building on the results of the Senate Standing Committee Audit conducted in the Spring of 2021, the Senate Agenda Committee charges the ad-hoc Bylaws committee to:

  • Conduct an overall review of Senate committee structure
  • Consider the possible consolidation of the following committees:
    1. Merger of the AFTPE and Appointment and Promotions Committees
    2. Merger of the Computing Services and Administrative Operations Committees
      1. with the possible inclusion of the Services to Faculty and Staff Committee
  • Based on current University Senate bylaws and structure, assess the feasibility of establishing a new standing committee on Accreditation and Assessment.
    1. Review committee proposal and make recommendations for the potential function, membership, and scope of the proposed committee.

Identify any additional recommendations, including the possible creation, elimination, merger, or restructuring of committees, that will ensure that the University Senate is working effectively and efficiently to meet its commitments to the Syracuse University community.

Charge Update: May 1, 2022

Building on the Agenda Committee’s previous charge, and the work that the ad-hoc bylaws committee has completed to date, the Agenda Committee wishes to update the charge, including:

  • Consideration of possible expansion of Senate representation, including:
    1. Staff, both exempt and non-exempt (currently 8 exempt and 4 non-exempt seats)
    2. Part-time instructors (currently 2 seats)
  • Clarification of term limits for both Senators and committee chairs, addressing inconsistencies across the board


Bylaws report to Senate – October 2023


  • Amanda Brown, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Harriet Brown, (Chair) S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
  • Lee McKnight, School of Information Studies
  • Andrew Saluti, College of Visual and Performing Arts
  • Brittany Zaehringer, Operations and Strategic Initiatives


Bylaws Ad hoc Committee has completed the 2022 charge.