
Bylaws of the Senate of Syracuse University

As amended during the 2023-24 session of the University Senate, revising Article IV, Section 1 and Section 9, and Article V, Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13.

Article I. Membership

Section 1.

The following shall be members of the Senate ex officio: Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, and additional members named by the Chancellor for a total not to exceed 15. In addition, the presidents of the Student Association and Graduate Student Organization shall be student members ex officio, bringing the total to 17.

Section 2.

The following shall be eligible to stand for election as additional members: full-time faculty who are professors of all ranks, instructors or lecturers, regular part- time faculty, currently enrolled and matriculated graduate and undergraduate students, full-time non-faculty professional staff, full-time and regular part-time secretarial, clerical and technical staff and unionized staff. Names of elected members shall be certified to the Chairperson of the Senate Agenda Committee by the officials named below before March 1. This certification shall assure the Senate that members were elected in a representative manner. Names of elected faculty shall be certified by the Dean of each school and college. Names of elected non-faculty professional staff and of full-time and regular part-time secretarial, clerical and technical staff shall be certified by the supervisory group responsible for their election. The appropriate supervisory or judicial body charged with reporting election returns shall certify names of successful student candidates upon their election. If an elected senator fails to be certified as eligible for election, the current senator shall continue to hold office until a successor has been named. Terms of office for Senate members shall be determined by the constituent body from which senators are elected. Each term is defined in yearly increments, with a year defined as beginning on August 15 and ending August 14 of the following year. Senators shall forfeit their offices if by a change of University position they (1) would not be eligible for election to the Senate from the electing constituency, or (2) would no longer be eligible for an ex officio appointment. If either of the two above conditions hold, a successor shall be named in the manner specified by the constituent body represented by the senator.

Section 3.

The number of faculty members to be elected by each school or college shall be as follows:

  • Architecture – 5
  • Arts and Sciences – 51
  • Education – 6
  • Engineering and Computer Science – 9
  • Sport and Human Dynamics – 6
  • Information Studies – 5
  • Law – 5
  • Management – 9
  • Public Communications – 9
  • Visual and Performing Arts – 14
  • Environmental Science and Forestry – 2

The number of regular part-time faculty, instructors and lecturers to be elected shall be – 2

The number of non-faculty, professional staff to be elected by each unit shall be as follows:

  • Librarians – 4
  • College of Professional Studies – 2
  • Other Exempt Staff – 8

The number of non-exempt full-time secretarial, clerical and technical staff shall be – 4

The number of non-exempt (unionized) staff elected shall be – 2

The number of students elected shall be:

  • Undergraduate – 27
  • Graduate – 11
  • Law School – 3

Section 4.

Results of elections of senators shall be reported to the Senate Recorder for certification no later than March 1st of the academic year in which elections are held. Only certified senators or their successors may serve as senators.

Section 5.

At the meeting of the Senate in December, 1978, and every five years thereafter, the Agenda Committee shall recommend to the Senate amendment of Section 3 of this Article, providing for reapportionment of the elected membership of the Senate. In this reapportionment each school or college shall have faculty representation in proportion to the number of its faculty, except that no school or college shall have fewer than two representatives and the College of Environmental Science and Forestry shall have two. Faculty representation shall constitute at least fifty-five per cent of the Senate membership. Student representation shall constitute at least twenty-two per cent of the Senate membership. Student representation shall be apportioned to reflect the ratio of graduate students to undergraduate students as they are matriculated and enrolled in the fall semester of the reapportionment year.

Article II. Officers

Section 1.

The Chair of the Agenda Committee shall serve as presiding officer at all meetings of the Senate.

Section 2.

In the absence of the Chair of the Agenda Committee the Agenda Committee Chair shall appoint a presiding officer from among the members of the Agenda Committee to preside at any regular or special meeting of the Senate.

Section 3.

The Chancellor shall be an ex officio member of all Senate committees.

Article III. Meetings

Section 1.

Regular meetings of the Senate shall be held monthly at 4:00 p.m. during September, October, November, December, January, February, March, and April each academic year in accordance with a calendar to be presented at the March meeting of the Senate.

Section 2.

Special meetings of the Senate may be called at any time by the Chancellor, by the Agenda Committee, or upon petition signed by twenty members of the Senate. A special meeting called as a result of such petition shall be held no later than ten days after receipt of that petition by the Chair of the Senate Agenda Committee. At least seven days prior to a special meeting, notice of that meeting must be mailed to each member’s last known address, as listed with the Senate Recorder. At a special meeting only business announced in the notice of meeting may be transacted.

Section 3.

As needed, a particular kind of special meeting, called an “Open Forum”, shall be conducted each spring semester, at 4:00 p.m.

Section 4.

Emergency meetings of the Senate may be called at any time by the Chancellor, the Chair of the Agenda Committee, or by any three members of the Agenda Committee. Appropriate diligence shall be exercised in calling all senators to such meetings. A quorum shall consist of either 10% of the total Senate or one-third of the members of a group consisting of the Agenda Committee augmented by the chairs of all standing committees listed in Article V of these bylaws. Senators attending such emergency meetings shall be authorized to act for the Senate when emergency action is required. All action of this group must be confirmed by the Senate at the next regular or special meeting following such action.

Section 5.

One third of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at all meetings of the Senate.

Section 6.

Senators may attend all regular or special meetings of the Senate. Persons eligible for membership in the Senate who are not elected senators may attend regular or special meetings of the Senate. Non-senators may participate in Senate deliberations only by majority consent. Non-senators will not be permitted to vote.

Section 7.

All votes in the Senate shall be subject to a recorded vote at the request of 25% of the members present.

Article IV. The Agenda Committee

Section 1.

There shall be an Agenda Committee consisting of a Vice Chancellor or a Vice President designated by the Chancellor and fifteen other members of the Senate to be elected by the Senate. Eleven of the fifteen shall be chosen from the faculty and staff, three from the student representatives, and one from among the ex officio members. Of the eleven persons representing the faculty, the staff, and the ex officio members of the Senate, no more than four may be from one college or school (with a preference of having members representing as many unique areas as possible); up to three shall be elected in one year, three the next, and three (including the representative of the ex officio members) in the third year. The fourteen elected members shall serve for a term of three years beginning on August 15 following their election. They may not succeed themselves after completing a full three-year term. Vacancies in the Committee shall be filled by Senate election at the next meeting after a vacancy occurs. Students elected to fill vacancies shall be deemed to be filling new three-year terms, beginning on August 15 of the academic year in which they take office. Otherwise, elected replacements shall serve the remainder of the terms vacated. In all elections of members of this Committee, nominations shall be made to the Senate by the Agenda Committee. The number of nominations shall be greater than the number of vacancies; additional nominations may be made from the floor. The Committee annually shall elect its chairperson for the upcoming year from its own membership in the Spring.

Section 2.

The Agenda Committee shall prepare the Agenda for all meetings of the Senate.

Section 3.

In all Senate meetings the simple motion to refer shall imply referral to the Agenda Committee. The Agenda Committee will assign the referred matter to a committee it deems appropriate. The Agenda Committee shall keep itself informed of the progress of all committees, encourage them to complete their tasks, and arrange for their reports to the Senate.

Section 4.

At the April meeting of the Senate each year the Agenda Committee shall nominate the membership of all committees and subcommittees listed in these Bylaws. Additional nominations may be made from the floor, and the number of members recommended by the Agenda Committee for any committee may be increased or decreased by majority vote of the Senate. The Agenda Committee may at any time recommend creation or abolition of any committee.

Section 5.

After the last regular meeting of an academic year, the Agenda Committee shall be empowered to act in place of the full Senate for the review and approval of honorary degrees for commencement speakers. At the first business meeting of the Senate in the fall, the Agenda Committee will report any such action taken.

Section 6.

At the October meeting of the Senate each year the Agenda Committee shall submit to the Senate a summary of the work of the Senate during the preceding academic year. When this summary has been approved by the Senate, it shall be distributed to each member of the faculty.

Section 7.

The Agenda Committee shall have responsibility for promoting, coordinating and integrating the work of all committees and shall have power to assign to committees matters of relevance to their functions. It shall also use its influence to promote implementation of resolutions and recommendations of the Senate.

Section 8.

An original main motion (i.e., a motion that introduces a substantive question as a new subject) may be placed on the agenda in the following ways:

  1. The Agenda Committee may place a motion on the agenda through its own initiative.
  2. The Agenda Committee may place a motion on the agenda submitted to it by an individual senator. Individual members who wish a motion placed on the agenda normally will submit it first to the Agenda Committee. Such submissions should allow enough time for the Agenda Committee to make copies of the motion for distribution to senators before the start of the next regular or special meeting. The Agenda Committee will then either place the motion on the agenda for the next Senate meeting or refer it to an appropriate Senate Committee for further consideration. The sole function of the Agenda Committee will be to expedite the business of the Senate by preparing the body for debate and action. To that end it may ask the mover(s) to furnish testimony in session of the Agenda Committee, will print motions in advance of the Senate session along with other relevant information, and will ensure requisite time on the agenda for appropriate debate. The mover(s) may insist on a hearing before the Agenda Committee.
  3. A majority report and subsequent motion(s) of a committee will automatically be placed on the agenda.
  4. A minority of 1/5 of a committee may, if it wishes, have its report and subsequent motions placed on the agenda.
  5. A motion to place an item on the Agenda may be made by any Senate member and will pass if 2/3 of the members present vote in favor of hearing it.
  6. A motion must be placed on the Agenda if submitted to the Agenda Committee and seconded in writing by 15 Senate members. Such motions must be submitted in time to be printed and distributed before the start of the next regular or special meeting.

The Presiding officer may rule as out of order any amendment to an existing motion that so alters or adds to the original motion as to constitute in effect a new motion. Such rulings may be overridden by a simple majority vote of the members present.

Section 9.

The Agenda Committee shall have responsibility for convening a non-permanent committee that is constituted annually by the Agenda Committee and staffed with seven senators simultaneously serving on other standing committees. It will invite the University community to recommend candidates for honorary degrees, assess those candidates, and recommend candidates to the Senate. If the list of candidates is gathered after the last regular Senate meeting of the academic year, the Committee will make its recommendations to the Agenda Committee instead. The ultimate selection of Honorary Degree recipients will be made by the Board of Trustees from the Senate-approved active list in consultation with the Chancellor. The same process will apply to Honorary Degree revocations. It will be responsible for the review and evaluation of any petition for honorary degree revocation according to University process and standards, with recommendations being forwarded to the Senate The Committee will collaborate closely with relevant administrators and staff, inviting them (in coordination with Agenda Committee) to participate ex officio.

Nominations for degrees will be invited from all members of the University community.

This Committee shall have exclusive responsibility for recommending to the Senate candidates for Honorary Degrees at the spring commencement, except for the commencement speaker. If a speaker is to be awarded an Honorary Degree, names of several potential speakers shall be recommended to the Honorary Degree Committee by a committee appointed by the Chancellor. The Honorary Degree Committee will transmit the names selected to the Senate for its action.

Individual colleges and schools may on appropriate occasions award Honorary Degrees, but no school or college may award more than one such degree for a special occasion in any one academic year. Nominations for such degrees will be made to the Senate through the Honorary Degree Committee with the committee’s recommendation for action.

Approved candidates for Honorary Degrees shall remain on the active list for a period of two years. After two years if either they have not been invited or it has not been possible to award such degrees in person, the names will be dropped from the list of approved candidates. Such persons may be renominated. No Honorary Degree will be awarded in absentia.

The selection of Honorary Degree recipients will be made from the Senate-approved active list by the appropriate committee of the Board of Trustees in consultation with the Chancellor and the Senate Committee.

Article V. Standing Committees

Section 1.

Standing Committees shall be nominated in accordance with ARTICLE IV, Section 4 of these Bylaws and shall be elected by the Senate at its April meeting. Terms of office for members of Standing Committees shall be two years provided that committee members remain in their respective positions of administrator, faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate student. Administrators, faculty members, staff members and students who are not members of the Senate may serve on Standing Committees.

Section 2.

For all standing committees, a quorum shall be one third of its membership or four people, whichever is greater.

Section 3.

The chairs of the Standing Committees of the Senate shall be elected by the respective committees from among those of their own members who are also members of the Senate. The chairs shall be elected at the first committee meeting of the academic year and shall remain in office until the election of the new chairperson. In exceptional circumstances, upon the recommendation of the Senate Agenda Committee and with the consent of a majority of the Senate, the chairperson of a standing committee may be a non-senator. Persons serving as chairs of the various standing committees are limited to a term as chair of no more than three consecutive years

Section 4.

There shall be seventeen primary Standing Committees: A Committee on Academic Affairs, a Committee on Academic Freedom, Tenure and Professional Ethics,  a  Committee on Appointment and Promotions,  a Committee on Athletic Policy, a  Committee on Curriculum and Instruction, a Committee on Employee Services, Fiscal Affairs, and Operations, a Committee on Intersectional Equity for Race, Ethnicity, Sexuality, Gender, and Disability, a Committee on Research and Creative Scholarship,  a Committee on Student Life,. Each of these committees shall consist of a minimum of nine members.

Section 5.

There shall be a Committee on Academic Affairs which shall concern itself with the academic planning process of the University and with the consideration of academic priorities and organization. It shall advise and consult regularly with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on all matters that it deems appropriate.

Section 6.

There shall be a Committee on Academic Freedom, Tenure and Professional Ethics. This Committee shall concern itself with the academic privileges and responsibilities of all members of the University community. The Committee shall consider issues and entertain all cases relating to academic freedom and professional ethics arising throughout the University. This committee shall also receive and investigate all cases that have to do with sexual harassment complaints concerning the faculty.

Section 7.

The Committee on Appointment and Promotions shall study standards for original appointment to the faculty of the University, for promotion, and for granting of tenure. The committee shall recommend to the Senate procedure for obtaining recognition of standards by the several colleges, schools and departments. It shall foster in the various colleges, schools and departments appropriate procedure for handling appointments, decisions of tenure, and promotion. It shall audit all decisions of appointment, promotion and granting of tenure and may request testimony before it of appropriate deans, department chairs and other officials. College decisions on promotions and granting of tenure may be appealed to this committee by either the candidate or the department, provided that the grievance pertains to procedural matters. The Committee on Academic Freedom, Tenure and Professional Ethics shall continue to have jurisdiction in all appeals in which violation of academic freedom or professional ethics is alleged.

Section 8.

There shall be a Committee on Athletic Policy. The committee shall be concerned with the impact of University as well as Athletic Department policies and practices on the well-being and progress of student athletes who participate in intercollegiate competitions sponsored by Syracuse University. Consideration shall be given to admissions, advising, comparisons of graduation rates with other institutions, placement after graduation, and other topics that the committee deems important. The committee shall recommend changes in policy where appropriate.

Section 9.

There shall be a Committee on Curriculum and Instruction. This Committee will study the curricula of the various schools and colleges, consider all requests for curriculum and course changes, and recommend action on such changes to the Senate, concerning itself primarily with curricular matters affecting the University as a whole. It may initiate suggestions to departments to improve their curricula and courses. It will study issues of instruction at both undergraduate and graduate levels, including teaching load, educational technologies, class size, use of graduate assistants, testing, and other pedagogical matters. It will adjudicate course grade appeals based on procedural irregularities, in accordance with the University’s official policy. It will recommend to the Senate changes to the University policy to increase emphasis on quality and the importance of teaching and strive to maintain balance between teaching and research. The Committee will collaborate closely with relevant administrators and staff, inviting them (in coordination with the Agenda Committee) to participate ex officio.

Section 10.

There shall be a Committee on Employee Services, Fiscal Affairs, and Operations.  The Committee will focus on both the University’s fiscal affairs and the welfare of faculty and staff. With regards to the University’s fiscal affairs and operations, the Committee will concern itself with the University’s general financial position, University-wide budgeting, and fiscal planning; all business, finance, and administrative services; human resources; marketing and communications; and enterprise computing services. In doing this work, there will be a dedicated focus on human resources, benefits, and services that advance the well-being and convenience of all community members. Our goal is to advocate for meaningful change and improvements that balance financial health with the welfare of faculty and staff, ensuring their needs are at the forefront of our operations to better serve students. The Committee will collaborate closely with relevant administrators and staff, inviting them (in coordination with Agenda Committee) to participate ex officio.

Section 11.

There shall be a Committee on Intersectional Equity for Race, Ethnicity, Sexuality, Gender, and Disability. This Committee shall concern itself with the University’s culture and initiatives that promote excellence in an environment welcoming to all. It will work toward improving the campus climate and equity for students, staff, and faculty who hold historically marginalized and underserved identities. It will address accessibility issues (both physical and digital). It will concern itself with pay equity issues across gender, race, ethnicity, and other intersecting identities. It will develop recommendations to the Senate on these issues. The Committee will collaborate closely with relevant administrators and staff, inviting them (in coordination with Agenda Committee) to participate ex officio.

Section 12.

There shall be a Committee on Research and Creative Scholarship. This Committee will stimulate, assist, and advance the various University groups interested in research and scholarly excellence. It will observe and report on research activities with an eye toward maintaining principles of academic freedom and open disclosure of research findings. It will recommend practices and policies on research computing and research leaves. It will promote a balance between research and teaching. It will study the resources and long-range plans of the University libraries and consult with library administrators on policy and procedures. In doing its work, this Committee will consult with the Vice President for Research. The Committee will collaborate closely with relevant administrators and staff, inviting them (in coordination with Agenda Committee) to participate ex officio.

Section 13.

The Student Life Committee will concern itself with a holistic understanding of students’ needs, including their academic, social, and emotional well-being, and will focus on ways in which it can support their thriving. As students experience university life differently, the Committee will annually reflect upon the voices of distinct populations that should be elevated during the academic year to better understand the variance in their experience. The committee will annually provide clear guidance and recommendations for Senate constituents on how best to support students’ holistic needs. Members of this committee will engage with students in meetings, events, and in other contexts within and outside of committee meetings to better learn of students’ experiences, and the resources available to support them. The Committee will collaborate closely with relevant administrators, and staff, inviting them (in coordination with Agenda Committee) to participate ex officio.

Article VI. Other Charges of the Standing Committees

Section 1.

When it becomes necessary to search for a new Chancellor, the Senate Agenda Committee shall consult with the officers of the Board of Trustees for the establishment of a search committee which shall give appropriate representation to students, faculty, exempt staff, and trustees. The Agenda Committee shall proceed to designate a slate of faculty members, exempt staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students. The Agenda Committee shall present this slate to the Senate for its ratification. The ratified slate will then be submitted to the chair of the Board of Trustees with the request that the individuals on this slate be appointed as the faculty and student representatives on the Chancellor Search Committee.

Section 2.

When it becomes necessary to search for a new Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs the Senate Agenda Committee, enlarged to include the chair of the Senate Committee on Academic Affairs, shall consult with the Chancellor and proceed to designate a slate of potential members of a Search Committee. This slate shall include appropriate numbers of faculty members, academic deans, exempt and non-exempt staff, graduate students and undergraduates. The Agenda Committee shall present this slate to the Senate for its ratification. Upon ratification, this slate will be submitted to the Chancellor with the request that the individuals named on the slate be appointed as the Vice Chancellor Search Committee.

When it becomes necessary to search for a new Vice Chancellor (other than the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs) or other major administrator of the University as defined by the Agenda Committee, the Agenda Committee will consult with the Chancellor, or other administrative officers responsible for the appointment, and proceed to designate a slate of faculty members, graduate students, undergraduate students, and such other representatives of the campus community that it deems appropriate. The Agenda Committee shall present the slate to the Senate for its ratification. The ratified slate will then be submitted to the Chancellor with the request that the individuals on the slate be appointed as the Search Committee.

Section 3.

The appropriate Senate Committees shall review the work of the Vice Chancellor and other major administrators and University officers identified by the Agenda Committee within the first three years of each individual’s appointment and at least once every five years thereafter. Following a review, a committee may affirm its confidence in the officer reviewed or recommend ways of improving conduct of the particular office. Otherwise the Committee may recommend to the appropriate administrative officer the replacement of the administrator under review. In case the recommendation is not accepted, the Committee shall report to the full senate.

Section 4.

The Agenda Committee shall review, at least every five years, the work of the Chancellor, and shall report its findings to the Board of Trustees, together with a request for a response to the Agenda Committee. The Senate shall be informed when the report is sent, when a response is received and, as in the case of the Vice Chancellor and other major administrators, whether the Board has accepted or rejected any recommendation for reaffirmation or dismissal.

Article VII. Parliamentary Authority

In all matters not covered by these Bylaws the Senate shall be governed by Henry M. Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (1990).

Article VIII. Amendment

These Bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Senate by a majority of the votes cast, provided that the amendment has been proposed and seconded at a preceding meeting.