Academic Freedom Tenure and Professional Ethics

“There shall be a Committee on Academic Freedom, Tenure and Professional Ethics. This Committee shall concern itself with the academic privileges and responsibilities of all members of the University community. The Committee shall consider issues and entertain all cases relating to academic freedom and professional ethics arising throughout the University. This committee shall also receive and investigate all cases that have to do with sexual harassment complaints concerning the faculty.”

(From the BYLAWS OF THE SENATE OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, ARTICLE V. STANDING COMMITTEES, Section 10, as amended during the 2011-12 session of the University Senate.)

*Due to the confidential nature of the Committee on Academic Freedom, Tenure and Professional Ethics’ work, they rarely, if ever report to the Senate body.


Chancellor Kent Syverud
Ex Officio

Riyad Aboutaha
The College of Engineering and Computer Science

Susan Albring
Martin J. Whitman School of Management

Roy Gutterman
S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications

Julie Hasenwinkel
The College of Engineering and Computer Science

Samantha Herrick
The College of Arts and Sciences

Amy Kallander (Chair)
The College of Arts and Sciences

Norman Kutcher
The College of Arts and Sciences

Carol Liebler
S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications

Charles Morris
The College of Visual and Performing Arts

Matthew Mulvaney
The David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics

Gwendolyn Pough
The College of Arts and Sciences

Susan Thomas 
The School of Education

Holly Thuma
The College of Visual and Performing Arts

Dan Traficonte
The College of Law

Errol Willett
The College of Visual and Performing Arts